
From the album Street Level

Black book anger, secret namez...
Stolen breath from grid clutch...
Tearing away the chain linez... gridlines and stone eyes.
Hate, elevate, Anger church and temper burns...
away, from rage.
So far inside the eye, lifting stone arms, breaking anger..
Crippling rage, tearing up the veins, legs breaking...
Taking, all away and leaving the pay daze...
The brave, tearing the paths away...
Leaving me, eyeless in the maze.
Kill, take it all away... The chains.
Dare I defy, and disobey...
Emote, anger notes... blackbook concrete veins,
crawling through the anger daze.
Death kid, tearing through their namez.
Child, line child wearing rags... call their wayz,
out, the shadows call...
Bury further down, stuck inside...
Creeping across the skin... you, insekt.
Run to your death, away... away, the heart maze..
Nothing, nothing left in this...
Secret, hedge maze games..
The window eyez, spywork calling...
You, guilty, optic cut and crawl away.
Hide, insekt pattern, gravel cut haze.
Voicebox torn, hands bound in chains.
Hate, locks cut in wayz you call their namez.
The curvez, pulling round the grind...
Pulling back across the linez.
You, runner across....
Killer in those human clothes.
Crying, crying out...
Drink from those Godz,
And take what they give.
You, Anger God... Animal, amazed at your flesh.
tear it all away,
And lay, the price you beg to pay.
Bible black, just like the names you say...
You're dead, dead, all the same.
Ears, take, sweet song for ride on lies.. Eyez..
Believe only... eyez.
Actionz, louder than wordz..
Holy, holy blind daze..
Those facez beg to pay..
And you take...
Careful actionz in their namez... run.
Death kid... clutching,
Death Kid... Running...
Death Kid... Tearing through their namez.