
From the album The God Inc.

Another pleasure you indulge
and our veins collapse.
Gold studded optic cut.
Gold studded surface cuts...
Reality adapted to your holes.

Reach back again and begin to feel something.
Surface segments arise to the pain.
Disease erupts from inside.
Feel stitches and bone.
Feel all your munitions explode inside your skulls.
Feel all your knivez and swordz of thought,
you forget and rebuild yourselvez...

Another free agent dies...
Another free agent dies...
And more vengeance, more rage builds inside.

Your sight, we see through the street's eyes.
The sky laughs at your chain to life.
Your sight, now see through the key's eyes,
and we burn on your eyes.

Breathe in again, feel all the pain.
Lungs spike, and expel again.
Disease drawn back inside.
Feel it knock down the wallz.
Feel all your chainz and barz and lockz explode and burn.
Feel all your knivez and swordz of thoughtz,
you forget and rebuild yourselvez...

Our woundz cry your namez.
Our woundz cry your namez.
Death kidz, all the same.
City streetz, now see through the street's eyez.
City streetz...
Eden rotz, Eden rots in our eyez.

Ground zero disease tide.
Eyez open, and armz wide.
Far through the looking glass.
Far through the keyhole eye.
Far through Eden's eyez.
Eden rots in our eyez.