
From the album UnDeath

Nothing now seems what it is.
This skin...
What creeps, through the flesh beneath.
What I seek.
Hoping, hoping.
Torn at the seams, revealed.
Hoping, This piece of me.
What you've seen...

Path that you've seen in dreams.
Afraid to seek what it is.
Patterns that shift between, the world I seek.
The flesh revealed.
What I seek.
Hoping, hoping...

The self I seek, what it is...
This skin.
Laid deep, the heartbeat beneath.
What I seek.

Open, open...

The place I seek,
deep within, this skin.
What lives, in this flesh beneath,
What I seek...
Hoping, hoping.
Torn at the seams, revealed.

The signs you've seen in dreams.
Afraid to see what it is, beneath.